



Starting Out

Important. Consult your veterinarian before starting your dog on any form of athletic training program. You should verify that your pup has good hips, especially before attempting canine Frisbee, or else a potential problem of canine Hip Dysplasia could be aggravated.

Also Important. ALWAYS have water available for your dog while you are training them. Since dogs do not sweat, but expel heat primarily through their mouth and tongues, drinking water helps them cool down. Failure to provide water to a working dog can result in hyperthermia, which can be fatal.

The most important step in starting out is choosing the right dog! If this step is done right, then everything else is easy. One way to go about it is to acquire a pure-bred puppy of a breed that is known to do well at canine disc. The drawbacks to this method are that it costs money, you cannot really know how the pup will turn out, and you have to wait a year or more before the dog is able to train rigorously.

The second method of finding a good frisbee dog is to go to a shelter or rescue group and adopt an adult dog. This allows you to get to know the dog and test it for Frisbee dog aptitude. If the dog shows some interest in chasing the disc, then there is a good chance they will be a faithful, enthusiastic partner. The other up side to this method is that it is cheaper, and often the bond of a rescued dog is stronger than that of a dog raised from puppyhood.
Ideally, you want a dog with the following characteristics:


Here are several key characteristics of flying discs:

  1. Shape
  2. Weight
  3. Material

The ideal canine disc is light, thin, and made of soft but rigid material Types Flexible/Floppy Flexible/Floppy discs are great for starting out, for dogs that have dental problems, or show dogs that cannot afford the slightest risk of a broken tooth. While tennis balls and bones pose more risk of tooth damage than Fastback Frisbee discs, some folks may still want to use these flexible types: WARNING: Cheap, hard plastics discs purchased at pet stores and department stores can hurt your dog and ruin their desire to play with them. They can crack and break into pieces cutting the dog's mouth or swallowed pieces can be fatal.

Where to buy discs:


AIR 235 discs for normal chewers
XTRA 235 discs for advanced chewers
AERO's for major chewers



Competition Standard discs for normal chewers
JAWZ discs for advanced chewers


Wham-O Frisbee® Brand Fastback
Flex Dog Discs
Chomper Dog Discs for advanced chewers