



We currently have no dates scheduled yet this year, watch here for dates.

Indy Dog and Disc Club is excited to be able to offer a disc dog play date and clinic thanks to the generosity of Stan's Sign Design located at 6373 Rucker Rd. (east side of Binford Blvd. and 64th street).

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Frisbee Competition Practice: IDDC Club Members
IDDC Club Members practice and prepare for upcoming competitions. Anyone is welcome to come observe what the future holds for new disc doggers. We will practice freestyle, toss and catch, Skyhoundz special competitions and distance throwing.

5:00 PM to 6:00 PM: Skill Level - No experience necessary! Goals of this workshop are designed to introduce you to the basics of disc-throwing techniques, how to motivate your dog to bring the disc back to you, as well as some beginning freestyle tricks to do with your dog for beginners that are looking for a great backyard doggie workout/exercise for their dogs or considering some competitive events in the future. During this time the instructors will work one-on-one with each participant, one dog at a time, while the others may watch and learn some new skills.

What to bring to the playdate along with yourself and your dog. Incidentally, you are also welcome to attend without your dog to learn what we are all about.

Due to the nature of the game of disc, if your dog doesn't have a good recall, we recommend bringing a harness and long line or a flat collar and long leash to use while teaching disc. Electronic, bark, chain or prong collars can inadvertently create a negative experience to the "play" nature of the game of disc so are discouraged when learning the game.

If you have any questions or concerns as to what to bring with you, please feel free to contact us before the playdate.
Come join us and have fun while increasing the bond with your dog!!! Photos Photo's of past playdates.

Stan's Sign Design
6373 Rucker Rd., 46220